Coupon Codes & Links

Disclaimer: Some of these coupon codes may get me a discount when someone uses them. I will only use this discount towards purchasing products to review on this blog so we can all benefit from it and be happy meows. Some of the coupons don’t provide me with any benefits (monetary or otherwise) and were simply given to me or requested by me to help everyone try the product/service for a discount.

Wishtrend Codes:

Black Friday Coupon: AFFBLACKFRIDAY for 5% off till Nov 30th

First Purchase Only Coupons:

BFFmasks: BFFTANAYA for 10% off your first month.

Multiple Use Coupons:

Beauteque: TANAYA10 Can be used an unlimited number of times. Can be used for 10% off purchases or subscriptions.

SavonBox: TDREAM316 for 10% your order at Savon Box/Savon Body. They make lovely soaps and other bath and body products. They also have a subscription service.